There will be glider O-flights on Sat January 25th. End time is estimated. Details to follow.
Looking for 6 cadets and 3 seniors to sign up.
1100 Briefing at Minden Squadron, Building 1144 Airport Road, Minden, NV. Flight operations to begin by 1200 and planned to continue through lunch.
All cadets to wear an item of clothing identifying them as CAP members and bring membership cards, CAPF 60-80 permission slip (as needed), bottle of water, lunch and footwear that is not boots .
Please fill out the sign-up sheet below and don't be late!
Aircraft ground handling course (video + test) can be found here once you login:
it is under Online Learning -> Aircraft Ground Handling Training
You also need to complete Wing Runner Course
First six sign ups will reserve flying spots. In the event of a need to cancel please advise me ( or your commander that a spot has been made available.